Confidently Visible
Welcome to Confidently Visible, a podcast that helps you move through fear, resistance and overwhelm to put life-changing work into the world. Together, we’ll discover all the confidence, strategy and action you need to help you build a personal brand unique to you so you can become confidently visible and grow your business and audience. 
This podcast is for female business owners, CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, creatives, coaches and consultants – and for anyone who is putting themselves and their work out into the world, being of service to others and becoming more visible. 
I’m Bec Sands, your host, visibility mentor for women in business and an award-winning PR consultant with over 17 years’ experience working with some of the world’s biggest brands and executives. With my signature coaching method of Confidence-Strategy-Action, I help clients become confidently visible so they can make an impact in the world and unlock their unique creativity to attract more aligned clients and opportunities. 
I’m all about the energy and mindset required to show up as your unique self. We can all figure out tactics, but if we don’t feel good about ourselves and our work, we’re unlikely to take the action that’s needed, and more likely to succumb to overwhelm, resistance and excuses. 
Building a personal brand and being confidently visible is something I’ve struggled with. I was way more comfortable behind the scenes than in front of the camera or on-stage, but I’ve been able to cultivate the skills and enjoy it too. 
If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to my emails at and follow me on social media.  

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